It’s been said that the eyes are the windows to our soul – which I believe has a lot of merit to it… the eyes are so much more useful however than just producing sight.
In NLP, the majority of the change or enhancement processes and techniques have a closed-eyed element to them. Have you ever wondered why?
Then, in Master Practitioner we adapt some of the close eyed processes to open eyed conversational change work. And the purpose of that is to be able to use NLP more covertly in a conversation. The powerful tools of NLP can be used anytime and anywhere – with just about anybody. And, the conversational approach assists me to use NLP over dinner with a friend, with a work colleague, in a business meeting, walking down the street and more. BUT – with my clients, the majority of the time, I ask them to close their eyes and go inside.
Interestingly, I’ve come to understand that quite a few of our Master Prac students think that we (Laureli and myself) mainly use NLP conversationally with clients. Not true. I know without a doubt that when I can have my clients close their eyes and do an NLP process with me, the change is quicker, deeper and more lasting. While there are a few of my clients who have never closed their eyes in a session with me, that is not the norm.
So, I’ve already said – “I ask them to close their eyes and go insideâ€â€¦ for what purpose would I want them to do that?
Yes, closing the eyes blocks out what they can visually see and helps the client to access their inner ‘movie screen’ easier, but there is more to it than that.
Have you ever heard of melatonin? Â
Melatonin is a hormone created by the penial gland – it helps to quiet the brain, relax the body and move us from a Beta state (thinking) to an Alpha state (relaxing) before sending us off to sleep. Generally it is darkness that triggers the secretion of melatonin. So, when we are using a close eyed process, we are in a way tricking the brain into secreting even small amounts of Melatonin to help our client (or yourself) to relax and move from Beta to Alpha brainwaves.
Remember, the tools of NLP are designed to work at the unconscious mind level – that which can be tapped into easier in a relaxed state (Alpha) versus a thinking, analytical state (Beta). When we are conducting NLP techniques with our clients conversationally, there is more apt for the person to be conscious about their answers; to think, analysie and try to ‘figure it out’ – which isn’t the purpose of NLP.
So, the next time you ask a client to “close your eyes†remember – you are helping them to move from an active thinking state to a relaxed state of unconsciousness – helped by the production of Melatonin brought out by the darkness.
Ain’t the human brain amazing! 🙂